In a straw poll among a small, mixed population of our corporate client colleagues, we asked, “what does innovation mean to you in the context of your day-to-day work?” Here’s a summary of the more interesting comments:
Not a lot, it’s down to the marketing department.
Our R&D department look after that sort of thing.
We have a suggestion box we’ve nicknamed the ‘Black Hole’.
It’s one of our corporate values but personally it doesn’t affect what I do daily.
Innovation, just another management fad isn’t it?
Clearly there are different ways of looking at innovation and where responsibility for innovating lies. Level Seven’s approach to innovation is that it is a mindset and attitude. A sentiment echoed by others and the MD of BSkyB in his presentation at last year’s IOD Annual Conference.
Some industries take the innovation agenda a lot more seriously as it is often at the core of what they do, for example, IT is an industry continually looking for innovations.
Some principles borrowed from their quest include:
· Keep focused (whatever pressures you may be facing)
· Keep to a plan but build in flexibility
· Do your research and have a deep understanding about your situation
· Look to the future rather than the past (i.e. what do we want to achieve rather than what did we do before)
Arguably, these principles could apply across any sector and any discipline and we attempt to reinforce this message wherever and whenever appropriate.
Our innovation diagnostic, the LID, aims to help leaders get to grips with how they can foster this spirit within themselves, their team and more widely within the organisation.
So, what does innovation mean to you? Let us have your comments.
Gill Stevens