Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The World is shrinking, Culture is important.

The Manila Diaries

The World is shrinking – Culture is important.

19 December 2012

84 degrees Fahrenheit, Partly cloudy, Humidity 75%

As we wind down the year, I reflect on what seems to have been an eventful time.  I began the year living and working in London and am finishing the year living and working in Manila.  I have been here for 7 months now.  How quickly events come to pass.

I thought I would reflect on my last 2 months which have been the most interesting for me from a work / business point of view.

I joined the main faculty of the Asian Institute of Management on 1st October, 2012 and am still finding my way around being part of a new organization and their way of working.  Some of the highlights for me have been:

·         Realising and experiencing the true meaning and effect of culture on business and everyday life through total immersion.  Hofstede’s work on cultural dimensions is proving invaluable as a Brit, living in the Philippines and delivering programs across a variety of Asian countries.

·         Delivering ‘People Development’ modules on AIM’s MBA program and appreciating at first-hand the differences that exist between Western and Eastern values.

·         To have had an opportunity to travel to India to be part of a team working with a large US owned financial company that has operations there and to be struck by the enthusiasm and passion for learning shown by all the participants.

·         To be invited to be part of a group at AIM whose objective is to research and develop leadership concepts and frameworks that are specifically relevant for leaders and managers in Asia. 

·         To be collaborating with an AIM colleague on a research paper that is looking at personality and social media connections and to have had that paper accepted for presentation at a conference in Japan early next year.

I continue to support the UK Operations of Level Seven where appropriate, particularly around our innovation diagnostic framework (the LID™) and to look for consultancy opportunities for Level Seven here in Asia.  Partnerships, connections and collaboration seem to be at the heart of doing business here, of course, not that different from doing business in the UK except a cultural lens needs to be applied!

With good wishes to all for success and lasting friendships in the coming year.

Maligayang Pasko Po!

Signing off for now.

Our correspondent in Manila



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