Wednesday 5 March 2014

Six Years in Business - Part 6 - Moving Forward

The Journey Continues

In this final blog in our birthday series, we summarise our reflections on building our company over the last six years. What are the key success factors that we believe will take us forward to further success and have relevance for others who are embarking on a similar entrepreneurial journey?

1. Flexibility – nothing stays the same. However focused you might be on your product/service, the environment will bring changes that you hadn’t anticipated. Don’t be afraid, be flexible and adaptable.

2. Creativity – be creative in your thinking and approach –
‘every problem has an opportunity’ says Zakorsky (
Our directors currently operate out of different continents. This was not planned and could have led to the end of Level Seven but we used this as an opportunity to develop the business in a different way whilst still delivering our core services. Innovation is a fundamental part of our business philosophy and this underpins everything that we do.

3. Resilience – being a business owner is tough and we need to be able to spring back from adversity stronger than ever if we are to survive and flourish. Whilst our levels of resilience can vary at different points, we can all build and maintain sustainable levels of resilience to keep us strong. You can gain insight into your own level of resilience and make use of some useful  free development tools from Robertson Cooper at :

We’ve had a great six years and look forward to the next six.  Thanks to all our clients, associates, friends and family for your support – we raise a glass to you all!

Dorothy & Gill
Northampton and Manila     
5 March 2014

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