Friday, 22 June 2012

The Manila Diaries

Open or Direct

22 June 2012

90 degrees Fahrenheit, Partly Cloudy, Humidity 83%

Something I’ve come to notice is how open or direct Filipino people can be.  For example, when meeting someone for the first time, I smile at some of the questions I am asked about myself and my family.  Apparently this is just a way of getting to know you and actually I don’t find anything wrong with this.

I have also noticed that it is not just Filipino people who engage in this past-time here in Manila.  I have been struck by the number of strangers (non-Asian people) who strike up a conversation with me in the street and almost immediately I have swapped some personal details with them which if I was back in the UK I would probably not be so willing to divulge to someone I have just met.  I think in this situation it could be something to do with familiarity (a European / White face among a crowd of Asian nationalities) and a feeling that this person could be a potential friend / acquaintance / source of information, etc

It reminds me about Will Schutz’s theory about the development of interpersonal relationships (FIRO) and how our needs for Inclusion / Control and Affection (Openness) are met.  According to the theory these needs are met in a sequential way, after our needs for inclusion or involvement are met then the relationship goes onto deal with issues of control and once these are satisfactorily dealt with the relationship is able to deal with how open or affective the relationship can be.  That is why sometimes, Team Building events get off to a challenging start because the event goes straight into dealing with openness without first taking the time to address issues of inclusion and control.

Either way, I am getting to accept that culturally what I would normally think of as directness can be just another way of accelerating openness within a relationship.

And finally, the weather, it is still very hot and sticky!

Signing off for now

Our Correspondent in Manila

Monday, 18 June 2012

The Manila Diaries


18 June 2012

91 degrees Fahrenheit, Partly Cloudy, Humidity 77%

Culture is a word that often finds its way into discussions in the world of Leadership and Organisational Development and in my working experience as a Consultant I have been involved in trying to help organisations and teams develop or change their culture.  Living and working in the UK I have had little exposure to the effect of national culture on organisational culture as I have usually been part of the majority, not the minority.  However, now that I am immersed in a different culture to that which I have been used to is giving me a lot to think about as a developer of leaders and talent.

I had the privilege recently to attend a seminar delivered by a Filipino University Professor aimed at HR professionals on how to assess organisational culture.  Being the only European, female in attendance, I was definitely in the minority but was welcomed into the group through the use of warmth and humour.  I learned a lot about Filipino culture both from listening to the discussions as well as from the actual experience of being there.  For example, we started the seminar with a prayer which everyone participated in; what in the UK would be a mid-morning break with coffee and biscuits turned out to be more like lunch and the seminar was delivered in a mix of English and Filipino languages.

Some of the discussions focused on the challenges faced when trying to merge organisational culture with national culture and the message I took away is that national culture will tend to over-ride organisational culture and understanding and sensitivity to these issues are critical.  The phrase which has stayed with me is, Think Global, Act Local: A useful phrase that Managers and Management Developers could usefully embrace to help minimise conflict.

Signing off for now

Our Correspondent in Manila

Friday, 8 June 2012

The Manila Diaries


8 June 2012

86 degrees Fahrenheit, Partly cloudy, Humidity 83%

This week has been one of opportunity.

This has caused me to reflect on - do we ‘take’ opportunities or do we ‘create’ opportunities?  I think we do a bit of both.  Taking an opportunity implies that something has been offered to us or created for us and we are the grateful recipient of something useful to us; creating an opportunity implies we have been purposeful or self-motivated to take action that might provide us or someone else with something gainful.  The former suggests we are passive and wait for opportunities to float by, the latter suggests we need to be proactive, take responsibility and be responsible for the consequences.

A friend one called me opportunistic but went to lengths to explain that she felt that was a good thing.  I had to agree, I have always been open to opportunities, both taking and creating, but I think the difference for me has been that it has been easier to pick up on something created by another and to use it to my advantage.

This week I created an opportunity that may be very beneficial not only to Level Seven’s presence here in Asia but also for me personally.  However, it is too soon to say whether the opportunity will yield the results I would hope for. 

On reflection of why it felt easy to take the action I did; these are my conclusions.  I felt I had nothing to lose, I was at a point that I needed to have a purpose for action for my self-worth and for the business and I felt confident that I had something to offer and I didn’t think too long about what I was doing (i.e. I did not analyse the situation for too long but acted on an evidence-based impulse).  Of course this situation and ultimate decision only concerns a few people; sometimes opportunistic action may affect a greater number of people and the consequences may be more far reaching but unless we have the courage to develop and act on a level of self-belief we may be in danger of missing out on all manner of things.

My challenge to you is to develop your opportunity spotting antennae and to be courageous and act on it when you believe it is right to do so.

Signing off for now

Our Correspondent in Manila

Friday, 1 June 2012

The Manila Diaries

Having a purpose

86 degrees Fahrenheit, Scattered thunderstorms, Humidity 82%

I have spent this week setting myself small objectives, all with a common purpose, either to achieve something around the domestic or personal side of things or to think of some ideas that will contribute to Level Seven’s presence here in Manila.  I have always found a way to self-motivate has been to think about the word ‘Purpose’ and how it can help me to  focus. 

Regrettably I have not made much progress on the business front.  I am waiting for a number of things to happen (or am I just procrastinating?)  such as the Broadband to be installed and membership information from the Chamber of Commerce which in my mind will mean I have a focus and purpose for communication.  I do, however, feel as though we area starting up a new business and all the challenges that go with it.  The one advantage I have on my side though is experience in that I can recall what it was like setting up Level Seven years ago and how enthusiasm and optimism carried us through many an unsettling time.

Networking will play an even bigger role in getting to know people and how specific business practices work here.  So, I am currently formulating an idea that will help to position Level Seven generally so that individuals and organisations can understand what we have to offer.  I will relate more on that when I have a firmer view on things.

Lastly, the Manila Women’s Association coffee morning enabled me to learn about life in Manila and to find a useful source of helpful information.

Of course, I cannot sign off without commenting on the weather.  The rainy season is just around the corner, we’ve had a couple of real downpours and I can only imagine what it will be like when the rain is more plentiful.  On the plus side though, it does get cooler after the rain!

Signing off for now

Our Correspondent in Manila