Monday, 18 June 2012

The Manila Diaries


18 June 2012

91 degrees Fahrenheit, Partly Cloudy, Humidity 77%

Culture is a word that often finds its way into discussions in the world of Leadership and Organisational Development and in my working experience as a Consultant I have been involved in trying to help organisations and teams develop or change their culture.  Living and working in the UK I have had little exposure to the effect of national culture on organisational culture as I have usually been part of the majority, not the minority.  However, now that I am immersed in a different culture to that which I have been used to is giving me a lot to think about as a developer of leaders and talent.

I had the privilege recently to attend a seminar delivered by a Filipino University Professor aimed at HR professionals on how to assess organisational culture.  Being the only European, female in attendance, I was definitely in the minority but was welcomed into the group through the use of warmth and humour.  I learned a lot about Filipino culture both from listening to the discussions as well as from the actual experience of being there.  For example, we started the seminar with a prayer which everyone participated in; what in the UK would be a mid-morning break with coffee and biscuits turned out to be more like lunch and the seminar was delivered in a mix of English and Filipino languages.

Some of the discussions focused on the challenges faced when trying to merge organisational culture with national culture and the message I took away is that national culture will tend to over-ride organisational culture and understanding and sensitivity to these issues are critical.  The phrase which has stayed with me is, Think Global, Act Local: A useful phrase that Managers and Management Developers could usefully embrace to help minimise conflict.

Signing off for now

Our Correspondent in Manila

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